Chamber of Commerce

Protection of competition in Poland in the last year-summary

12.04.2019, 09:00 - 12:00

hotel Mamaison Le Regina (Kościelna 12, Warsaw)

We would like to invite you to a breakfast meeting on Protection of competition in Poland in the last year-summary that will take place in Mamaison Le Regina hotel (Kościelna 12, Warsaw) on 12.04 at 9am.

The meeting will be held by Modzelewska&Paśnik.

During the meeting you will find out among others about:

– establishing the resale price,
– e-commerce,
– instruments for detecting practices by the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (“OCCP”),
– the case law of the Polish anti-monopoly authority –  what kind of decisions they make and penalties they impose,
– changes in law – new risk areas?

Please be informed that the meeting will be held in Polish.
Enclosed please find the agenda.

In order to register, please contact us until 29 March at swisschamber@swisschamber.pl