Chamber of Commerce

Swiss Innovation Day

09.06.2015, 09:00 - 16:00


SWISS INNOVATION DAY is a unique meeting of representatives of Swiss and Polish business world aimed at presenting innovation in many different aspects.

Swiss companies are known for innovation. It is worth mentioning that Switzerland ranks first in the Global Innovation Index for the fourth time in a row, while Poland is gradually developing its innovative potential.

The aim of the Swiss Innovation Day is to present and promote Swiss innovation to a wider audience. Apart from an exhibition of innovative products discussion panels will be organised in order to share experiences, good practices and encourage networking.

The meeting is co-organized by the Swiss Embassy in Poland.

We are expecting special guests: Mr Mauro Dell’Ambrogio, Swiss State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation and a group of Swiss Experts from renowned research institutions, i.a. the University of St. Gallen and ESADE Business School.

We also expect the participation of Mrs Grazyna Henclewska, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economy, as well as a representative of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education

We are currently preparing the agenda of the meeting. If you would like to present the innovative solutions of your company during the event, we will be pleased to send you an offer. Please contact the Chamber’s office: Mr Ulrich Schwendimann or Ms Barbara Spławska, tel.: + 48 22 322 76 25.


9.00 – 9.30 – Registration of guests

9.30 – 11.00 – Opening of the conference,
Debate: How to create conditions supporting innovation? How to support innovative business projects? How to gain funds for research and development?

The topics will be discussed by representatives of the Swiss and Polish ministries of education, experts and guests.

11.00 – Opening and visiting of the exhibition / coffee break

11.30 – 14.00 Discussion panels (held parallel)

Governmental panel
1) The Swiss-Polish commitment to cooperation within the European Research Centre: best practices FP7 and perspectives for Horizon 2020.
2) Technology transfer: from science to business: how to activate the private sector? Swiss and Polish perspective.

Business panel
1) How to develop a culture of innovation in companies?
2) Innovations in health care.

14.00 – 16.00 Lunch and networking