Chamber of Commerce

Swiss Pavilion on the  XXXII Economic Forum in Karpacz

05.09.2023 do 07.09.2023


We are very pleased to inform that this year the Swiss Chamber became a partner of the XXXII Economic Forum in Karpacz, where the Swiss Pavilion will appear for the first time. The event will take place on September 5 – 7, 2023, and its motto will be “New values of the Old Continent – Europe on the verge of change”.

The Economic Forum in Karpacz is the largest meeting platform in Central and Eastern Europe, creating a space for exceptional discussions on the most current economic topics and developing valuable business contacts.

The idea behind the Swiss Pavilion is to make it easier for Swiss companies to use the networking and promotional potential offered by the Forum. The Pavilion is a space for business talks, both open and more intimate, but also a promotional and communication platform for Swiss companies.