Chamber of Commerce

WEBINAR: How can the construction sector benefit from digitization?

19.10.2021, 12:00 - 13:45


Along with the Polish-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry we would like to invite you to a webinar on October 19, 2021.

How can the construction sector benefit from digitization? – this question is asked more and more often by both investors and companies operating in the construction sector. Everyone is aware that digital transformation is entering this traditionally “analog” world. In search of answers, we invite you to a webinar on digital transformation in the construction sector.

As part of the webinar, we will try to define what digitization is for participants and indicate how to prepare for such a transformation.


I. Welcoming of participants and introduction – director of AHK Polska, dr. Lars Gutheil, chairwoman of the Digitization and Industry 4.0 Committee, Ewa Mikos

II. Presentation “Does digital transformation in construction have a chance to break through?” – the most important opportunities and challenges. ” – CFO Hochtief Klaus Boede

III. Moderated discussion on: Benefits and Effective Approach to Implementation of Digital Practices by the Construction Sector

Maciej Dejer, Vice President of the Management Board, BIM Klaster

Wojciech Jurczak, director of Siemens Smart Infrastructure

representative of the Hochtief company

Julien Fersing, Manager Swissroc Real Estate

IV. Trends in the ConstructionTech industry and best practices in the implementation of innovative IT solutions in construction projects – CTO ProperGate Sp. z o.o. Anna Walkowska

BauApp’s experience in the area of ​​applications for the construction sector – Pawel Smolarek, Technical Director of BauApp Polska

V. Q&A Round – All Participants

VI. Summary and conclusion

We invite you to register and participate in the webinar!

