Chamber of Commerce

Pay transparency and the pay gap – how to prepare your company for the upcoming requirements?

16.11.2023, 16:00 - 18:00


In three years’ time, a new law is expected to come into force that will require companies with more than 50 employees to provide salary scales for specific job ranges. How do you prepare for this change, which is also a cultural change? This is what we will want to discuss during a meeting with business and position representatives of CFOs and CHrOs, which will take place on 16 November at the headquarters of the event’s content partner Deloitte.


  • What mandatory changes will companies face regarding pay transparency and how to calculate and report the gender pay gap?

  • How will pay transparency affect the recruitment process?

  • Can employees in similar positions demand pay transparency?

  • Preparing the company for the upcoming legal changes, what to keep in mind and how to prepare the team well in terms of the new requirements?

  • Risks and opportunities vis-à-vis pay scales and the gender pay gap for employers vs. employees?

  • What technical solutions are needed to monitor and report on GPG?

For those interested in participating, please contact us at: kk@swisschamber.pl