Polish GDP in 2025 compared to the global economy & Withholding Tax (WHT) – articles from getsix®

Polish GDP in 2025 compared to the global economy – World Bank Report

Forecasts in the World Bank’s Global Economic Prospects report indicate that the Polish economy is expected to grow by 3.4% in 2025. Although this growth rate has been revised downward compared to previous forecasts (3.7%), Poland remains one of the fastest-growing economies in Europe, well ahead of the eurozone, where growth is expected to be only 1.0% in 2025. The forecast for global growth of 2.7% also stands out in this context. Forecasts predict further growth of the Polish economy

in 2026, although at a slightly slower rate of 3.2%. This will still be one of the higher growth rates in Europe, with global growth remaining at 2.7%.

Poland’s position in Europe and the world

The largest economies in the European Union, such as Germany, France, and Italy, are expected to record lower economic growth rates. Forecasts for Germany predict a growth of 0.3% in 2025 and 1.1% in 2026. For France, the respective rates are 0.8% and 1.1%, while Italy is projected to grow by 0.7% in 2025 and 0.9% in 2026. Maintaining a high growth rate almost twice as high as in developed economies proves the solid macroeconomic foundations and effective fiscal and monetary policy.

Experts emphasize that EU funds, amounting to approximately PLN 120 billion, and investments in innovation and high-tech industries, could play a key role in sustaining this pace. Increasing the share of the high-tech sector in Poland’s GDP can attract additional foreign capital and increase productivity.

Challenges for the Polish economy

Despite optimistic forecasts, Poland faces challenges that could impact its economy. The World Bank notes that declining foreign direct investment (FDI), currently at half the level of the early 2000s, may limit modernization and competitiveness. Additionally, global political and trade uncertainties, as well as persistent inflation, could undermine investor confidence.

Global perspectives

The World Bank predicts that the global economy will grow at a rate of 2.7% per year in 2025 and 2026. Developing economies, including Poland, are playing an increasingly important role in global growth, currently accounting for 60% of its dynamics. Their share of global GDP has risen from 25% in 2000 to 45% today. However, growth in these countries, at around 4%, remains slower than before the pandemic, limiting their ability to reduce poverty and achieve development goals.

Optimism of experts

Polish economic experts suggest that the World Bank’s forecasts may be overly cautious. They emphasize that the aforementioned capital inflow, including EU funds worth approximately PLN 120 billion, along with improving consumer attitudes, could contribute to higher economic growth in Poland than currently forecast. The dynamic development of investments and regional cooperation within the European Union could also positively impact Poland’s future growth prospects.


Poland’s economy in 2025 has the potential to stand out from both the region and developed economies. The key to further development will be investing in innovation, strengthening its position in Europe, and effectively utilizing available EU funds. At the same time, it will be essential to monitor global risks such as trade tensions and persistent inflation, which could affect growth dynamics. Thanks to its solid foundations and growth prospects, Poland remains an attractive destination for investors and entrepreneurs seeking new opportunities.

The full report in English can be found here.

If you are interested in the topic and would like to receive the latest information from us, please subscribe to the getsix® Information Service newsletter.

Withholding Tax (WHT) – statistics for 2024 and key information for 2025

Withholding tax (WHT) in Poland remains one of the important tax issue for entrepreneurs engaging in transactions with foreign entities. The year 2024 brought not only significant changes in the number of applications filed and refunds processed but also outlined key obligations to be considered in the upcoming year. Below, we present an analysis of the data and the key issues to plan for in the context of WHT in 2025.

Data analysis for 2024 compared to 2023

There was a significant decrease in the number of WHT-related applications in 2024 compared to 2023:

  • WH-WOP applications dropped by 7% (from 788 to 491), while WH-WOZ applications decreased by 27.8% (from 237 to 171).
  • WH-WCP applications saw a reduction of 1% (from 418 to 304), and WH-WCZ applications declined by 39.7% (from 416 to 251).

Despite the lower number of applications, the number of positive opinions (567) remained relatively high. An increase in the authorities’ efficiency in dealing with cases was also noted, with the percentage of positive opinions at 85.7%, compared to 74.4% in 2023.

Tax refunds and overpayments

  • The number of refunds based on WH-WCP and WH-WCZ applications increased from 291 in 2023 to 379 in 2024.
  • However, the total amount of refunds decreased from PLN 1.52 billion in 2023 to PLN 1.24 billion in 2024, indicating lower average values of refunded overpayments.
  • The amount of overpayments identified also declined from PLN 937.97 million in 2023 to PLN 787.64 million in 2024.

Key WHT obligations for 2025

Expiry of WHT preference opinions

WHT preference opinions issued in 2022 will expire in 2025. For businesses, this means the need to renew these opinions, submit a new opinion request, or meet other formal requirements, such as submission of a WH-OSC statement. It is crucial to start preparations early, as the tax authorities have a statutory period of up to six months to issue opinions, and the process can take even longer for complex cases. In addition to the application itself, the relevant documentation, including certified translations, must also be collected, which requires additional time. It’s also important to note that changes in factual circumstances may cause the opinion to expire early (before 36 months). In such cases, companies should promptly consider submitting new applications to avoid the risk of losing its tax preferences.

Pay & refund mechanism

Entrepreneurs should pay special attention to the pay & refund mechanism, particularly when planning payments to foreign associated entities. Under the regulations, a Polish taxpayer who exceeds the annual limit of PLN 2 million for payments to one foreign entity is required to withhold tax at the standard rate on the excess above this threshold. This primarily applies to payments related to passive income, such as dividends, interest, or royalties. It is essential to plan payments carefully and monitor whether the total amount exceeds this limit. If the threshold is exceeded, businesses must apply the pay & refund principle, which means paying tax and later claiming a refund. The regulations also allow for preferential rates, but only if the relevant requirements are met. Therefore, it is advisable to analyze planned transactions already at the beginning of the year and submit applications for preferences to avoid issues with WHT settlement later.

Obligation to submit WH-OSC follow-up statement

Taxpayers who benefited from preferential rates in 2024 must remember to submit a follow-up statement on time by January 31, 2025. This deadline applies to businesses whose fiscal year coincides with the calendar year. Failure to meet this obligation may result in severe financial consequences, including sanctions and the accrual of interest for late payment. Therefore, businesses that made such payments must ensure the statement is filed within the required timeframe. Failure to do so may lead to financial sanctions and additional costs related to late interest.

Consequences of incorrect WHT settlements

Errors in WHT settlements can lead to serious consequences, including:

  • Financial penalties – tax authorities may impose significant fines for non-compliance.
  • Late interest – accruing from the date the tax should have been paid.
  • Penal fiscal liability – for deliberate or gross procedural violations.
  • Increased risk of tax audits, which can generate additional costs and involve company resources.

getsix® – professional tax advisory

As mentioned, managing WHT obligations is no simple task. It is a complex process requiring significant time, effort, and resources.

The experts at getsix® provide advisory services regarding WHT settlements, available exemptions, and refund procedures, including the pay & refund mechanism. Contact us for support.

Learn more about getsix® tax advisory services: Tax advisory in Poland.
If you are interested in the topic and would like to receive the latest information from us, please subscribe to the getsix® Information Service newsletter.

Balajcza Sale – Everything at 2024 Prices!

New Year, but no new prices! At Balajcza, we’re announcing a SALE – until the end of February, we are offering all our translation services at 2024 prices. No price increases, just professional services at attractive rates!

What does our sale include?

  • Written translations and text proofreading – we provide translations of contracts, reports, and documents such as financial statements, tender documents, powers of attorney, policies, etc.
  • Localization and marketing translations – we translate creative content and adapt it to the target audience, including subtitles for films, websites, and advertising materials.
  • Technical translations – we offer translations of technical documentation, user manuals, product specifications, and engineering materials. Our team of experts guarantees top quality and industry-specific expertise.
  • Certified translations – carried out by sworn translators and ready for submission to offices, courts, registries, or notary offices.
  • Interpreting and conference support – we provide language and technical assistance during conferences, lectures, and events. Our interpreters also work on TV programs and online productions.

We guarantee the highest quality of service and unchanged 2024 rates – only until the end of February!

Contact us to take advantage of this offer:

Email: balajcza@balajcza.pl
Tel.: +48 22 643 47 94

Promotion valid until February 28, 2025. The acceptance date of our offer is decisive.

Don’t wait – secure your translations at the best price today!

Online breakfast with BALAJCZA – “South Korea – Between the Shark and the Whale”

Thursday, 16 January 2025

8 am-9 am

South Korea is an intriguing and little-known country. Its nearly 4,000-year history is filled with dramatic events that have left a profound mark on the collective consciousness of its people. During the online breakfast meeting, “South Korea – Between the Shark and the Whale,” we will delve into how the Korean national spirit has been shaped. Join us on Thursday, January 16, at 8:00 AM for an engaging one-hour session.

During the meeting, you will learn:

  • Why the Sea of Japan is missing from Korean maps
  • What Hashima means to Koreans
  • The values carried by Korea’s founding myth
  • How two U.S. officers divided Korea in half
  • Who orchestrated the raid on the Blue House
  • What lies beneath the DMZ

The meeting will be held by Kamila Radzyńska – business coach, specialised in intercultural communication, member of SIETAR Polska, R&D Manager experienced in foreign trade, romanist, passionate about the Far East, and winner of the Knowledge about France Competition organised by PR III radio and France Inter.

The meeting will be held in Polish.

To confirm your participation, please contact:

Timea Balajcza, spotkania@balajcza.pl ;tel.: +48 601 913 446

By signing up for the webinar, you consent to receiving marketing information from BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. and the processing of personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Policy published on the website www.balajcza.pl
Please be informed that the participation in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” is tantamount to consenting to the use and dissemination by the organizer, i.e. BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. (KRS 0000659805), of the image of the persons participating in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” provided for in Article 81 of the Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights.

Challenges in Cross-Border Employment Models – from Assignments to Long-Term Deployments,

I would like to warmly invite you to our half-day conference on “Challenges in Cross-Border Employment Models – from Assignments to Long-Term Deployments,” which will take place on November 5, 2024, from 2:00 PM at Expertsuisse in Zurich.

What can you expect?

We will delve into the following topics:

– Residence permits for international professionals

– Social insurance law in cross-border employment relationships

– Digitalization of the international workplace

Venue: Expertsuisse, Stauffacherstr. 1, 8004 Zurich

Cost: Participation is free of charge

Language: German

You can find the detailed program and the QR code for registration HERE.

I am very much looking forward to welcoming you to this exciting event and to engaging discussions with you!

Don’t miss the oportunisty to take advantage of a free office lease agreement review with expert advice!

Did you know you don’t have to wait until the end of your office lease to find out if:

  • The lease terms are beneficial and tailored to your current business needs
  • There are areas that can be optimized to save costs
  • You can renegotiate the existing lease right now

Take advantage of RentCheck – an objective and impartial evaluation of your lease agreement. This free service includes an initial analysis of four key areas:

  • Operating costs
  • Technical solutions
  • Office and employee needs (workplace strategy)
  • Legal aspects of the lease agreement

As part of RentCheck, after determining the main parameters of the office space your company uses and verifying your needs for the coming years, we will provide a free analysis of the most important provisions of your lease agreement and offer suggestions to help optimize it, generating measurable savings.

For more information, visit www.itraglobal.pl/rentcheck

Act with us today! Members of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce have priority access to this offer, so we highly encourage you to get in touch.

Looking forward speaking with you,

Łukasz Dreger

Associate Director, Office Department, ITRA Polska


+48 728 377 359

On-line workshop with BALAJCZA – “Why do we say that Japanese is difficult” …or how the mother tongue affects the learning of another languages.

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

11 am-12 pm

What is the goal of this webinar?

  • It’s to learn what tools we use to measure language difficulty, how learning a foreign language is influenced by the mother tongue, and ways to avoid calques.

What will you learn during the webinar?

  • You will learn methods for effectively learning languages that are significantly different from Polish.
  • You will learn in what aspects the languages differ from one another and what the consequences are.
  • I will also tell you how your second and subsequent languages can affect the way you speak Polish.

Who is Izabela Chmiel?

My name is Izabela Chmiel, I teach English and Japanese on a daily basis. I also support expats from Poland, Japan and Spain in developing intercultural and communication competence. I’m currently living in Granada, where I’m learning Spanish and training CrossFit, as well as exploring the pearls and gems of Andalusia on my days off.

The meeting will be held in Polish.

To confirm your participation, please contact:

Timea Balajcza, spotkania@balajcza.pl ;tel.: +48 601 913 446

By signing up for the webinar, you consent to receiving marketing information from BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. and the processing of personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Policy published on the website www.balajcza.pl
Please be informed that the participation in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” is tantamount to consenting to the use and dissemination by the organizer, i.e. BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. (KRS 0000659805), of the image of the persons participating in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” provided for in Article 81 of the Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights.

Zimmer Biomet opens Central & Eastern Europe Innovation Hub to meet rising demand for robotics and technology

(Warsaw, Poland) May 6, 2024— Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc. (NYSE and SIX: ZBH), a global medical technology leader with a comprehensive portfolio designed to maximize mobility and improve health, has opened a new Innovation Hub in Warsaw, Poland, to showcase its advanced technologies, surgical robotics and implants.

“The ZB Innovation Hub is a space for innovation and collaboration, where our customers and healthcare professionals can learn about how Zimmer Biomet solutions can improve efficiency and outcomes for patients,” said Wilfred van Zuilen, Group President, Zimmer Biomet EMEA.

“With this new Hub, we continue to expand access to Zimmer Biomet solutions and increase our training offer to reach even more healthcare professionals. We will showcase our technologies here, including a surgical robot, our smart device solution, and mixed reality lens,” said Kamil Renyi, General Manager for Central & Eastern Europe and Israel.

Zimmer Biomet’s surgical robot provides objective soft tissue feedback and accurate bone resections and collects intra-operative metrics to inform decision-making and deliver data-driven insights. The company’s Care Management Platform empowers patients through smartphones and smart devices as they prepare for and recover from surgery. The holo lens merges real and virtual worlds so surgeons and care teams can collaborate and visualize in a mixed reality environment.

Zimmer Biomet plans to train more than 1,000 healthcare professionals in the next five years at the Hub, which is co-located with the company’s EMEA Global Business Services center.  This site is easily accessible from CEE countries and well connected with many other EMEA markets.  Zimmer Biomet now has four Innovation Hubs across the Emerging Markets region, including Johannesburg, South Africa, Dubai, UAE, Ankara, Turkey and Warsaw, Poland.


Melinda de Boer

Head of International Communications


+41 (0)797 65 71 98

About the Company

Zimmer Biomet is a global medical technology leader with a comprehensive portfolio designed to maximize mobility and improve health. We seamlessly transform the patient experience through our innovative products and suite of integrated digital and robotic technologies that leverage data, data analytics and artificial intelligence.

With 90+ years of trusted leadership and proven expertise, Zimmer Biomet is positioned to deliver the highest quality solutions to patients and providers. Our legacy continues to come to life today through our progressive culture of evolution and innovation.

For more information about our product portfolio, our operations in 25+ countries and sales in 100+ countries or about joining our team, visit www.zimmerbiomet.com or follow on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/company/zimmerbiomet or X / Twitter at www.twitter.com/zimmerbiomet.

Online breakfast with BALAJCZA – “Collective programming of the mind”

Thursday, 16 May 2024

8 am-9 am

On the occasion of the upcoming World Day for Cultural Diversity, we invite you to the online breakfast titled “Collective programming of the mind” on Thursday, 16th May at 8:00 a.m. We will talk about the phenomena occurring at the intersection of cultures. Is culture innate? Is it inherited? Or should it be learned?

You will also discover:

  • how do we know that something is good or bad, normal or “abnormal”?
  • who is to fit in with whom?
  • what is the “melting pot of nations”?
  • what does it mean that “culture is arbitrary in its nature”?
  • why do we experience a culture shock when living abroad?
  • what strategies do we choose to survive in a foreign country?

The meeting will be held by Kamila Radzyńska – business coach, specialised in intercultural communication, member of SIETAR Polska, R&D Manager experienced in foreign trade, romanist, passionate about the Far East, and winner of the Knowledge about France Competition organised by PR III radio and France Inter.

The meeting will be held in Polish.

To confirm your participation, please contact:

Timea Balajcza, spotkania@balajcza.pl ;tel.: +48 601 913 446

By signing up for the webinar, you consent to receiving marketing information from BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. and the processing of personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Policy published on the website www.balajcza.pl
Please be informed that the participation in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” is tantamount to consenting to the use and dissemination by the organizer, i.e. BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. (KRS 0000659805), of the image of the persons participating in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” provided for in Article 81 of the Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights.

Investing in Poland 2024: free e-book on tax and legal regulations

Each year getsix® publishes a brochure compiling current tax and legal issues. We cover the most important changes and topics that shape the immediate business environment and have a direct impact on starting and running a business in Poland.

The easy-to-read e-book format systematises and facilitates the access to strategic information from the enterprise’s standpoint.

The “Investing in Poland” brochure is addressed to:

  • entrepreneurs running a business in Poland. It is a valuable compendium of information on the most recent tax, legal and accounting changes;
  • potential investors considering starting a business in Poland. The brochure not only presents a thorough analysis of the Polish tax system, it also clarifies in detail all legal and accounting nuances related to investing in Poland.

The information is structured into four sections:

  • Starting business activity in Poland
  • Taxes in Poland
  • Leasing
  • The social security system in Poland

Our e-book “Investing in Poland 2024” ensures the best tax-related or corporate law decision making for your business!

The getsix® Group is a reliable and trusted partner. We offer ongoing, tailored business support to help you develop, expand and succeed.

Our more than a dozen years of experience guarantee the best-in-class services in the areas of:

Our business solutions are based on the latest IT technology and are certified in accordance with ISO 9001.

Download our free e-book now

Have a look at the presentation of the brochure on the YouTube platform: LINK

We encourage you to subscribe to getsix® Information Service to stay up to date with the information we publish: LINK

If you have any further questions regarding taxes, accounting or investing in Poland please contact us using the contact form on our website: LINK

Our team of experts stays at your disposal.

With kind regards,

your getsix® team