Izba Gospodarcza

Polsko-Szwajcarska Izba Gospodarcza

Helvetology – a new field of study at the University of Warsaw

Transdisciplinary studies on Switzerland – Helvetology (second level degree studies) – combine language skills with soft skills such as the art of presentation, teamwork and project work.

According to the information received from the University, the studies will focus on an interdisciplinary approach to both research and practical areas, developing foreign language skills – at C1 level (French, German, Italian), learning a second foreign language (French, German, Italian) and cooperation with the socio-economic environment. 38 candidates enrolled in the program, including 23 with German at C1 level and 14 with French at C1 level. More information can be found in the attachments below.

There will be many cooperation opportunities for interested companies, e.g.:

– master’s theses carried out in a project mode focused on a topic proposed by the companies,

– part-time employment of students,

– supplementing studies with selected competences, e.g. project management.

Interested persons are invited to contact Mr. Rafał Kijonka, who on behalf of the Chamber coordinates cooperation with the University:


Simultaneously to the didactic activity, the Swiss Studies Centre is being established at the University in cooperation with the University of Zurich and Lausanne, and with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Swiss Embassy in Poland and the Polish Embassy in Switzerland.

The Centre aims to centralize research on Switzerland at the University, strengthen Polish-Swiss academic cooperation, but also strenghten cooperation between countries on a cultural and socio-economic level. More information can be found in the attachments below.