On-line workshop with BALAJCZA – ‘How to be right and have right relations? Empathy in Intercultural Communication’

Tuesday, 15 February 2022
11 am-12 pm

‘Your words can change the world.’ It is through words that we build understanding and make connections. The way we communicate affects our relationships, including those at work. Communication challenges arise even more so when we work at the crossroads of different cultures. Very often our own communication style can make the team uncomfortable, despite our good intentions. And that’s the real challenge in developing global agility – learning to adapt without feeling like you’re losing a part of yourself in the process.

During the meeting you will learn:

  • how to talk about what is important to you
  • how to work with others respecting your needs and theirs
  • how to make sure people appreciate your feedback
  • how to consciously step out of our comfort zone and find your own global skill

The world of empathic communication will be discussed by:

Monika Guzek – an intercultural trainer, project manager and university lecturer. President of SIETAR Polska. She coordinates strategic and marketing projects and is responsible for the implementation and adaptation of products to the requirements of foreign markets. For 11 years she has been fulfilling herself in B2B and B2C marketing, actively supporting sales departments and adapting sales support methods to the local preferences of customers. She has gained extensive international experience working in Poland, Germany, China, Indonesia and Portugal.

The meeting will be held in Polish.

To confirm your participation, please contact:

Timea Balajcza, spotkania@balajcza.pl
tel.: +48 601 913 446

  • Please be informed that the participation in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” is tantamount to consenting to the use and dissemination by the organizer, i.e. BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. (KRS 0000659805), of the image of the persons participating in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” provided for in Article 81 of the Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights.
  • By signing up for the webinar, you consent to receiving marketing information from BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. and the processing of personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Policy published on the website balajcza.pl

Online breakfast with BALAJCZA – “Piedmont – Italy off the beaten track”

Thursday, 10 February 2022
8 am-9 am

Piedmont, or “the region at the foot of the mountains”, is situated in Northwest Italy.

Mountains, lakes and small picturesque villages are an integral part of its landscape.

The region is adored by mountain lovers for its breathtaking views and some of Europe’s best ski resorts in the Alps. However, Piedmont is not only famous for its beautiful views. It has much more to offer.

Join us at our Thursday Breakfast and find out:

  • why Poles don’t go to Piedmont
  • for what this region competes with Tuscany
  • what local delicacies make their way to the world’s tables
  • and what it has to do with the Slow Food movement

Learn about Piedmont from:

Monika Guzek – an intercultural trainer, project manager and university lecturer. The president of SIETAR Poland. She gained extensive international experience working in Poland, Portugal, Germany, China and Indonesia and currently she is dividing her life between Poland and Switzerland.


Cristiano Berta – a linguist, sommelier, ski instructor and mountain lover. An Italian from Piedmont with extensive international experience. He grew up in Germany, studied in Italy, and worked in Denmark, Norway, Canada, and Switzerland.

The meeting will be held in Polish and English.

To confirm your participation, please contact:

Timea Balajcza, spotkania@balajcza.pl
tel.: +48 601 913 446

  • By signing up for the webinar, you consent to receiving marketing information from BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. and the processing of personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Policy published on the website balajcza.pl
  • Please be informed that the participation in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” is tantamount to consenting to the use and dissemination by the organizer, i.e. BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. (KRS 0000659805), of the image of the persons participating in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” provided for in Article 81 of the Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights.

On-line workshop with BALAJCZA – “How Language Changes”

Tuesday, 1 February 2022
11 am-12 pm

Language is a social construct and specifically because of this it is subject to change. In the 21st century, we speak and write differently than we did in the 15th or 18th centuries, and differently than we did a hundred or even fifty years ago. We also use different vocabulary: many old words have gone out of use, a great number of words has changed – their meaning has been broadened or narrowed (for example, for modern people the most important meaning of the noun “current” is not the historically original one, i.e., the movement of water, the direction in which a river flows, but meanings given to the word much later, such as electric current). Many borrowings from other languages have been adopted by the Polish language. A large part of these borrowings remain in the language permanently; others are merely “fashionable” ephemera for a short time. Vocabulary is the “part” of language that undergoes the greatest and fastest changes. Of course, the grammar we use and the spelling change as well.

During the workshop we will talk about:

  • new popular words,
  • borrowings,
  • word-for-word translations.

The meeting will be hosted by Ms Olga Marek-Kostrzewska, a Polish language teacher at the Lingua Polonica school, and a marketing and PR specialist by profession. She built her experience working for companies such as Benefit Systems and at numerous marketing conferences.

The meeting will be held in Polish.

To confirm your participation, please contact:

Timea Balajcza, spotkania@balajcza.pl
tel.: +48 601 913 446

  • By signing up for the webinar, you consent to receiving marketing information from BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. and the processing of personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Policy published on the website balajcza.pl
  • Please be informed that the participation in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” is tantamount to consenting to the use and dissemination by the organizer, i.e. BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. (KRS 0000659805), of the image of the persons participating in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” provided for in Article 81 of the Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights.

Online breakfast with BALAJCZA – “Switzerland – diversity that attracts people”

Thursday, 27 January 2022
8 am-9 am

Switzerland is considered to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. It is home to the largest waterfalls in Europe and magnificent mountains. It is also one of the smallest countries in Europe, yet one of the most culturally diverse in the world.

Attend our Thursday Breakfast and find out:

  • why is it impossible to talk about a “typical Swiss”?
  • what happened to the capital of Switzerland?
  • are Swiss trains really always on time?
  • and which Swiss mountain is considered the most beautiful in the world?

Learn about Switzerland and everyday life there with:

Monika Guzek – intercultural trainer, project manager and university lecturer. President of SIETAR Poland. She coordinates strategic marketing projects and is responsible for introducing products into foreign markets and adapting them to the requirements of these markets. For the past 11 years, she continues to find fulfilment in the area of B2B and B2C marketing, actively supporting sales departments and adapting sales support methods to local customer preferences. She has gained extensive international experience: Monika has worked in Poland, Germany, China and Indonesia, and currently he divides his life between Poland and Switzerland.

The meeting will be held in Polish.

To confirm your participation, please contact:

Timea Balajcza, spotkania@balajcza.pl
tel.: +48 601 913 446

  • By signing up for the webinar, you consent to receiving marketing information from BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. and the processing of personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Policy published on the website balajcza.pl
  • Please be informed that the participation in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” is tantamount to consenting to the use and dissemination by the organizer, i.e. BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. (KRS 0000659805), of the image of the persons participating in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” provided for in Article 81 of the Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights.

An unusual goal-setting technique and its effects – Balajcza Linguistic Services has a new office in Cracow

Aside from receiving wishes, how do you make the next year better than the last? It’s best to make one’s own luck and set specific goals for 2022. And then, determine the best way to plan these goals to actually achieve them.

There are many goal-setting methods: SMART, EXACT, backward planning… And each has its own benefits. Some of them originate from the world of business and coaching, while others can be linked back to writers.

Such is the case with backward planning – this is the method used by Kurt Vonnegut, an unusual writer who planned his books “backwards”. First, he imagined the ending, and then he thought about what had to happen to result in a given situation.

It also soon became apparent that this is a great way to set goals in real life – you never lose sight of the goal, and you end your planning session on the “here and now” stage, which means you can take the relevant steps immediately.

How does it actually work? Let’s illustrate this with an example:

At Balajcza, the goal was established last year and involved the opening of a new office in Cracow in January 2022.

If we assume the goal was set in August/September, there are 4 months to work towards it. Following Kurt Vonnegut’s method, we divide this time into segments and consider what needs to happen by the end of each segment so that the main goal can be achieved:

1) The office needs new employees. So, in December, existing employees have to be assigned to work there or new people have to be hired. However, the office space needs to be ready for their arrival – it needs to be furnished, preferably in the same month.

2) Taking this into account, the rental formalities need to be completed in November.

3) Therefore, by the end of October, the site should already be selected, and before that, some research needs to be done on the real estate market.

4) However, to know exactly what kind of office space to look for, the budget and key criteria have to be specified – it would be a good idea to do an analysis as early as September.

And this is exactly what happened. This January, we’re not just planning, we’re celebrating the achievement of our goal! Balajcza Linguistic Services now has a second office in Cracow that will help us support you even more efficiently.

Feel free to contact us:

BALAJCZA Linguistic Services

Office in Cracow

ul. Rakowicka 20G/58

30-227 Cracow

Telephone: +48 690 10 30 60


On-line workshop with BALAJCZA – “How to communicate effectively in an intercultural environment”

Tuesday, 18 January 2022
11 am-12 pm

Cross-cultural teams are becoming increasingly popular these days. Cultural differences contribute to more creative and effective teams, which in turn can bring measurable benefits. Unfortunately, sometimes there can be a lack of mutual understanding, which leads to tensions and conflicts in the team, resulting in low team productivity and a lack of motivation and desire to work. It is important not to underestimate these misunderstandings and to pay more attention to proper communication, which is more challenging in a multicultural environment and thus becomes even more meaningful.

During the meeting you will learn:

  • What is intercultural communication
  • What are the types of intercultural communication
  • What communication barriers we can encounter in a cross-cultural environment and how can we manage them
  • How to deal with cultural differences in business
  • How to communicate effectively in a cross-cultural environment

The topic of an effective communication in an intercultural environment will be discussed by:

Magdalena Żymełka – coach and advisor. She has been involved in soft HR, in particular its key processes such as: onboarding, job descriptions, employee assessment, appraisal interviews for managers, goal setting, talent management, and employee engagement surveys.

She has international experiences:

14 years in the design, implementation and evaluation of global onboarding programs, product training, e‑learning programs, as well as in Talent Management projects in an international organization.

She has worked with people from the areas of: EMEA, APAC and AMER (Poland, the UK, Estonia, India, the Philippines, Hong Kong, the USA). She worked and lived in the USA and the UK.

She managed the Learning & Development team in an international company employing over 2,000 employees. Together with her team, she supported the development of employees by helping them discover their talents and develop their skills. Currently, she shares her managerial experience with managers in a training room and remotely, conducting training for business on topics such as: improving managerial skills, First Time Manager, team management, including dispersed teams, managing generations in the organization, conducting effective meetings, building effective teams, change management, the culture of management by values in the organization, the culture of feedback, effective team communication and intercultural communication.

She has completed a total of 6,000 hours of training, both in the classroom and remotely. She conducts training sessions in Polish and in English.

The meeting will be held in Polish.

To confirm your participation, please contact:

Timea Balajcza, spotkania@balajcza.pl
tel.: +48 601 913 446

  • By signing up for the webinar, you consent to receiving marketing information from BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. and the processing of personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Policy published on the website balajcza.pl
  • Please be informed that the participation in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” is tantamount to consenting to the use and dissemination by the organizer, i.e. BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. (KRS 0000659805), of the image of the persons participating in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” provided for in Article 81 of the Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights.

High volume translation… As fast as you need it

Sometimes in business there is no time to lose – the customer is waiting and you need to quickly make an offer or sign a contract. The deal is urgent, it should be finalized within a week, but… there are still several hundreds of pages of documentation to be translated.

How long will it take? – our clients often wonder when they order a translation under time pressure.

It obviously depends on the number of pages, but the translation of large files usually takes from a dozen to several dozen days.

Too slow? That’s true. In a dynamic business environment, you need to react faster.

That’s why at BALAJCZA we have a special mode for express orders, where we bring forward the delivery times – both for small and large orders. We look at each order individually and engage all available translators to deliver the translation to the client as soon as possible.

However, speed is not the only advantage of ordering high volume translations from Balajcza – we offer an additional discount for large orders!

Do you need your translation right away? We will make sure that you don’t lose any business opportunity.

Contact us to get a quote and arrange a time:


Telephone number: 22 643 47 94, 98; Mobile phone: +48 601 913 918


On-line workshop with BALAJCZA

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

11 am-12 pm

“Language traps we can avoid”

Linguistic communication is the human communication process which occurs by means of linguistic signs, transmitted either orally or in writing. The development of communication theory is in particular linked to the emergence and advancement of cybernetics as a science of general principles of information control and transmission.

Linguistic communication is a specific form of conveying information through language (see: the communicative function of language). This process consists of the following elements and actions: the interlocutors (speaker, listener), the message, and the encoding and decoding of information through language (language code).

During the workshop we will talk about:

  • acronyms
  • the correct declension of surnames
  • the basic rules of punctuation

The meeting will be hosted by Ms Olga Marek-Kostrzewska, a Polish language teacher at the Lingua Polonica school, and a marketing and PR specialist by profession. She built her experience working for companies such as Benefit Systems and at numerous marketing conferences.

The meeting will be held in Polish.

To confirm your participation, please contact:

Timea Balajcza, spotkania@balajcza.pl
tel.: +48 601 913 446

By signing up for the webinar, you consent to receiving marketing information from BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. and the processing of personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Policy published on the website balajcza.pl

Please be informed that the participation in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” is tantamount to consenting to the use and dissemination by the organizer, i.e. BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. (KRS 0000659805), of the image of the persons participating in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” provided for in Article 81 of the Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights.

Online breakfast with BALAJCZA

Thursday, 2 December 2021

8 am-9 am

“Poles at the Ends of the World”

  • Which Polish general has a settlement in South America named after him?
  • Who was sent exotic delicacies to the POW camp by their former workers?
  • How did an inconspicuous geographer from Lviv put a spoke in the European powers’ wheel?
  • In which district of Warsaw and why were the achievements of a famous traveller censored with a grinder in the 21st century?

We will discuss these and many other exotic adventures of Polish travellers during the lecture “Poles at the Ends of the world” at breakfast on 18 November. For those interested, we’ll be recommending an exhibition which runs until the end of the month, where you can discover more globetrotter stories.

The meeting will be hosted by Hanna Dzielińska – a journalist, Warsaw guide, author of online intercity (quarantine) walks, books on culture and the city, as well as a populariser of culture and art. Hania is also involved in keeping cultural and artistic life vibrant and alive – she organizes the production of documentaries and reportages and cooperates with districts and cultural institutions in the creation of historical publications. Hania has also led the scientific club of History of Art Students and has published her own series of adventure games for children and adults.

The meeting will be held in Polish.

To confirm your participation, please contact:

Timea Balajcza, spotkania@balajcza.pl
tel.: +48 601 913 446

  • Please be informed that the participation in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” is tantamount to consenting to the use and dissemination by the organizer, i.e. BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. (KRS 0000659805), of the image of the persons participating in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” provided for in Article 81 of the Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights.
  • By signing up for the webinar, you consent to receiving marketing information from BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. and the processing of personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Policy published on the website balajcza.pl

On-line workshop with BALAJCZA – “Troublesome language issues in communication”

Tuesday, 23 November 2021
11 am-12 pm

Linguistic communication is the human communication process which occurs by means of linguistic signs, transmitted either orally or in writing. The development of communication theory is in particular linked to the emergence and advancement of cybernetics as a science of general principles of information control and transmission.

Linguistic communication is a specific form of conveying information through language (see: the communicative function of language). This process consists of the following elements and actions: the interlocutors (speaker, listener), the message, and the encoding and decoding of information through language (language code).

During the workshop we will talk about:

  • acronyms
  • the correct declension of surnames
  • the basic rules of punctuation

The meeting will be hosted by Ms Olga Marek-Kostrzewska, a Polish language teacher at the Lingua Polonica school, and a marketing and PR specialist by profession. She built her experience working for companies such as Benefit Systems and at numerous marketing conferences.

The meeting will be held in Polish.

To confirm your participation, please contact:

Timea Balajcza, spotkania@balajcza.pl
tel.: +48 601 913 446

  • By signing up for the webinar, you consent to receiving marketing information from BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. and the processing of personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Policy published on the website balajcza.pl
  • Please be informed that the participation in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” is tantamount to consenting to the use and dissemination by the organizer, i.e. BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. (KRS 0000659805), of the image of the persons participating in the “Online Breakfast with BALAJCZA” and “Online Workshops with BALAJCZA” provided for in Article 81 of the Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights.