Izba Gospodarcza


THE SHOW OF CONTEMPORARY ART: Jaroslaw Betlej. Polaroidism.

September 7th, 2012 through September 28th, 2012.
Vernissage on September 7th, 2012 at 19.00 hrs.

On behalf of Center for Culture Promotion we are pleased to announce the show of contemporary art of Jaroslaw Betlej. The opening reception takes place with our Gallery at 2 Podskarbinska Str., Warsaw. The exhibition is curated by Marcin Kokoszko, Gallery Curator of the Center for Culture Promotion.

Jaroslaw Betlej creates paintings full of emotions and fairy tale visions in a form of oil collages basing upon the Artist’s experiences, conclusions and realizations gathered. His works build a new approach to painting art on the edge of dreams and reality, creating curiosity for variety of elements with a narrative focus at the same time. Jaroslaw Betlej entitled himself his author style “Polaroidism”. His art is filled by symbols in different presentation perspectives, and being rich in colors creates stories which do not allow to pass by and which do arouse interest, providing moods of unspoken secrets. His works reflect stories consisting of personal emotions, which are also by the artist himself presented in a lyric form as art stories written an unusual way – some of them stay directly related with paintings, some do not – in an English blog “At the moment of Creation”, which the artist adapt also himself into two languages in the blogs “W chwili tworzenia” as well as „Im Augenblick der Schöpfung”.

The creation of Jaroslaw Betlej’s painting as well as lyric arts is accompanied by focusing on own emotions, without any political or provocative transmission of his thoughts and soul conditions. The Artist born and grown up in Cracow comments; “Although from my home I took a conservative culture and values, I am going to create on the highest level of freedom and independence. Therefore my paintings and lyric stories are filled by forms without any pattern or defined stereotypes. And the colors? The colors come to me themselves”. During the vernissage the artist will read out one of his stories from his blog and will present the oil work representing that.

Jaroslaw Betlej (’65) is an artist, a copywriter, a photographer, a conceptualist, a traveler. He graduated a Visualization at the Academy for Marketing Communications in Düsseldorf. After residences in Cracow, London, Düsseldorf, Barcelona, Frankfurt, Cadaques, now he lives and works in Warsaw.

This year the Artist has had an individual exhibition at the Castle Holligen in Swiss Bern, participated in a group exhibition at the Jeffrey Leder Gallery in New York as the Finalist of international competition won at this gallery, and in the last year he enjoyed three individual and two group exhibitions in Warsaw. His works are within private collections and two of them with the collection of Polish History of Peasants’ Movement. In 2010 at the beginning of his artistic career Jaroslaw Betlej had two individual exhibitions of his own artistic group Kerajaga in Warsaw and won as a Finalist the international curatorial competition of the Institute of Contemporary Art in New Jersey, USA.
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