2020 Report – Foreign Direct Investment in Poland

The value of foreign direct investments reached $236.5 billion in 2019. It corresponds to 40% of Polish GDP. The amount of employment in companies with foreign capital operating in Poland amounted to almost 2 million people at the end of 2018, which means that a foreign investor has created every sixth job position.

As indicated in the report prepared by the International Group of Chambers of Commerce in Poland (IGCC), nearly 25,000 foreign-owned enterprises from 107 countries operate in our market. Poland’s most influential investors are from Germany, the United States, Great Britain, and France.


Business Climate Survey 2021

GCC (International Group of Chambers of Commerce) invites you to participate in a survey that will assess the current business climate in Poland. The survey lasts till April 9, 2021.

Participation in the survey is anonymous, your answers will be kept confidential, and it will take you a few minutes to complete the survey. You can take the survey in Polish, English or German.

We encourage you to check the results from 2019 HERE.


HR Practices Survey 2020

The Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce has just concluded the 3rd edition of the Human Capital Practices Survey prepared in cooperation with Boyden. The survey was divided into three sectors: manufacturing, sales and SSC/CEO/IT.

The participating companies were asked about their practices regarding benefits, incentives and related areas such as employer branding, referral programs or internships. What is more, the companies shared (also anonymously) their data about current retention and planned vs. realized compensation growth. This year, we have also added a supplement concerning Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on HR.

As we already have history of data, we can observe some changes in trends on the labour market. Here you can find a short summary of the survey.

If you are interested in finding out more, please contact us at swisschamber@swisschamber.pl

Swiss Business Directory 2021/22

We announce with pleasure that we have started working on Swiss Business Directory 2021/22 catalogue in which we will present the member companies of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce.

The catalogue is published every two years and includes texts contributed by the Swiss Embassy and the Swiss Business Hub Central EuropeSwiss Business Directory is highly appreciated and builds the image of Swiss companies on the Polish market, being a showcase of Swiss business.

We encourage you to check the advertisement offer. This year we decided not only to reduce the prices and extend the offer, but also to prepare a special first minute option, available only until the end of August.

Firms are cutting costs and halting investments but keeping their workers

The Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce together with other bilateral chambers in the International Group of Chambers of Commerce (IGCC) carried out a survey among Polish and foreign firms concerning the impact of Covid-19 on business activity in Poland. Fieldwork was conducted between 10 and 24 June. Results were compared with a similar study carried out by the French-Polish Chamber of Commerce (CCIFP) when the first restrictions were implemented. The data, gathered as businesses adapted to lockdown, highlights the biggest problems encountered by firms in the last three months, emphasising the concerns brought to light in the earlier survey.

Four out of five of firms expect worse-than-planned financial results at the end of this year, according to a survey carried out by bilateral chambers of commerce in Poland. Nearly 90% have already reported a decrease in sales. A return to pre-pandemic levels will be possible at the earliest within the next six to 12 months, although some industries expect recession to last into 2021. In most cases, firms’ bankruptcy-prevention strategies are based on cost cutting (mainly those unrelated to their core business); laying off employees is seen as a mean of last resort.



Companies face cancelled orders but payments from customers are not being delayed

The biggest problem that entrepreneurs faced over the past three months has been the cancellation of orders by customers (51% of responses). Concerns voiced by the majority of firms in the March survey, in which 50% of respondents predicted that orders will be cancelled, have proved true. Delayed payments from customers or delayed execution of orders ultimately affected fewer companies than predicted in the first survey (27% and 29% of responses in June, compared to 56% and 41% in March respectively). Production output, on the other hand, fell on a slightly larger scale than expected (28% of indications in June vs 21% in March).

As 38% of respondents pointed out, travel restrictions and closed borders represented a major obstacle for businesses, especially for companies operating across multiple markets. This has led to the necessity of remote management of companies, and created problems with document flow, such as the signing of physical documents or contracts.

The situation was better than expected in the logistics sector. Nearly half of the respondents did not report experiencing a significant negative impact of Covid-19, a result nearly 10% better than in early March. Only one in three companies reported problems with the delivery of products from Polish and/or foreign suppliers. Issues with the transport of goods inside the country or associated shortages in inventories occurred in only 10% of companies.

Companies will be cutting costs at least until the end of the year

As a consequence of the drop in sales, companies have taken measures to reduce expenses and operating costs to maintain liquidity.
52% of companies have already reduced expenses unrelated to their core business, in areas such as marketing, advertising or training, and nearly 40% will continue to do so in the coming months. The scale of these cuts is significant, as in nearly two-thirds of the cases they amounted to more than 50% of the original budgets for these activities.
Other measures taken by companies are: recruitment freeze (45% of responses); salary-increase freeze (37%) and bonus freeze (28%). Salaries were reduced in 29% of companies (usually by between 5-20%); however, only 17% of them plan to keep those reductions in the following months.

Companies are trying to protect existing jobs at all costs and, despite the decline in turnover, with redundancies seen as a last resort. So far, 15% of companies have declared laying off between 2-10% of their employees.

Nearly half of the firms surveyed (48%) have benefited from the ‘anti-crisis shield’ measures offered by the Polish government. 43% of those firms positively assessed the aid granted; however, 54% said that the proposed solutions didn’t meet their expectations. Their main criticisms concerned complicated procedures, unclear rules and long waits for decisions.

The survey Surviving Covid-19:The Impact of the Pandemic on Companies’ Business Activity in Poland was conducted by the French-Polish Chamber of Commerce among member companies of bilateral chambers of commerce in the IGCC (International Group of Chambers of Commerce). Respondents were CEOs, presidents, executive directors and board members. The results are based on questionnaires completed by 189 companies operating in Poland, 26% of which were Polish, 16% German, 14% French, 7% American, 6% Swiss, 5% Austrian; and 26% have the majority capital from various other countries. Nearly half of the respondents represented companies employing up to 50 people, 32% were medium-sized enterprises (51-500 employees) and 19% were companies employing over 500 people. Most respondents came from the following sectors: manufacturing industry (13%), construction & real estate (13%), business services (12%), consulting (8%), IT services and telecoms (7%) and trade and distribution (6%).

International Group of Chambers of Commerce (IGCC) www.inwestycjezagraniczne.com


Business Insider



Puls Biznesu

IGCC Survey “Survive COVID19 – Pandemic’s impact on companies’ operations in Poland”

In the face of unfreezing of the economy, many companies resume their activities, often modifying existing services and work organization. Business has not given up and is constantly looking for new solutions to develop in these exceptional circumstances.

IGCC (International Group of Chambers of Commerce) invites you to participate in a survey that will allow to assess the impact of COVID-19 on the operating and financial activities of companies operating on the Polish market, as well as on business and investment prospects after resuming operations after a closure period.

The results of the survey will be available to member companies. A press release distributed to media and recommendations for administration regarding the support for entrepreneurs and the economy based on the results will be prepared.

Participation in the survey is anonymous and it will take you only a few minutes to fill it out.

Survey: https://survey.ccifi.net/971624?lang=en

Results of the survey “Resumption of air connections – how important is it for your company?”

Dear Members,

Thank you very much for participating in the survey. The same study was carried out by the chambers of France, Germany, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries, with the support of other bilateral chambers. We present accurate results provided by the members of Swisschamber and Advantage Austria.

The results clearly show that the current restrictions on air traffic have affected your companies. Only 4% of respondents indicated the option of no correlation between restrictions and functioning of the company.

Also when asked about travels after resuming air connections, the least of you marked the option “I will not use them”. Central Europe is the most popular among the proposed destinations, but also countries outside Europe and Western Europe were marked.

Below you will find the results of the survey along with a press release from the International Group of Chambers of Commerce (IGCC), as well as an article from “Rzeczpospolita” about the survey (in Polish).

Survey results Press release – IGCC Rzeczpospolita (PL)

Tax Compliance in Poland

For years we have been observing the growing complexity and variability of the Polish tax regulations that is followed by alarming penal-fiscal consequences. We hear it also from you. That is why we have organised a survey on a group of 32 member companies to show the reality that companies active in Poland need to deal with.

The results of the survey were complemented with the information from the audit and advisory company Grant Thornton.

In the report you can also find commentaries of representatives of our member companies. They include hints, what should be changed to make the regulations more company-friendly.

Below you will find the attached English and Polish version of the report as well as many articles in Polish that were published in the media recently.



Szwajcarska precyzja i polska biurokracja:

Biznes po polsku, czyli 4,5 tysiąca godzin na obowiązki podatkowe:

4552 godzin pracy i 2,8 etatów. Tyle potrzebują firmy, aby zrealizować obowiązek sprawozdawczy wobec organów administracji

Grant Thornton: Sprawozdawczość wobec organów zajmuje firmom 4,55 tys. godzin

Firmy w Polsce spędzają ponad 560 dni roboczych rocznie na państwowej biurokracji

More articles:




Coronavirus prevention

With regard to the questions addressed to the Chamber in the case of the COVID-19 and the desire to share preventive actions in this matter, we invite you to read and analyze the restrictions introduced in Swiss companies. The file will be updated on a regular basis and is available in Polish only.

PDF (PL only)