Business Mixer Back-to-Business

The first networking meeting after the summer break – the Business Mixer ‘Back-to-Business’ was held on 17 September at 5 p.m. at the Warsaw School of Economics.

The event was organised by 11 bilateral chambers under the leadership of the Polish-Canadian Chamber of Commerce (PCCC), and the meeting’s partners were the Warsaw School of Economics and The Canadian MBA.

The business mixer was attended by more than 100 people from the affiliated partner chambers. It was therefore an excellent opportunity to make contacts and present oneself in international company. The meeting did not lack a Swiss accent in the form of Swiss Favarger and Avelines chocolates.

Swiss Pavilion at the Energetab 2024 fair

On September 17 – 19, 2024, we organized the Swiss Pavilion at the Energetab trade fair in Bielsko-Biała for the fifteenth time! The Pavilion is a joint initiative of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and the Swiss Business Hub Central Europe within the Swiss Embassy. This year’s guest of honor at the Pavilion was Fabrice Filliez, the Ambassador of Switzerland to Poland. The Pavilion was also visited by the President of ZIAD Bielsko-Biała S.A., Dariusz Mrzygłód, and the Advisor to the Management Board of ZIAD Bielsko-Biała S.A., Ryszard Migdalski, who gifted us a commemorative diploma of appreciation, receiving our thanks also in the form of diplomas.

We celebrated the anniversary with the following companies that exhibited in the Pavilion:

Explosion Power
Helmar Jacek A. Dobrowiecki

We encourage you to read the entire e-brochure of exhibitors. EP&M traditionally joined the initiative. As every year, coffee was served by Jura.

To celebrate the fifteenth anniversary, we created a video from the first day of the fair, featuring a Swiss-style cocktail and interviews with exhibitors – available HERE. We also celebrated the anniversary with a cake, Swiss wine and chocolates, as well as a raclette show performed by Michel Prestinari-Skawiński from Magical Raclette Show. In addition, representatives of the exhibitors who take part in the Pavilion for the longest time, namely Delta and TAT ECO, received commemorative diplomas from us.

Thank you all for participation and we already invite you to the next edition of the Swiss Pavilion at Energetab on September 16 – 18, 2025!

“Swiss Point” Pavilion at the 33rd Economic Forum in Karpacz

On 3-5 September the 33rd Economic Forum in Karpacz took place.

The Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Embassy of Switzerland in Poland invited again to events at the Swiss Point Pavilion. This year, they were held under the slogan “Innovation through Partnerships”.

Our presence was possible thanks to the cooperation and support of the Pavilion’s Strategic Partners: Nestlé, Novartis, Ringier Axel Springer, Roche and Sandoz, the Supporting Partner LEXCELLENCE and the In-Kind Partners Magical Raclette Show and SSC Distribution.

As in the previous edition, there was 150 sqm of Pavilion space arranged into a space conducive to casual conversations, as well as integration.

The Swiss Point program was rich in speeches, valuable panels, interesting meetings and delicious tastings. Each day was complemented by delicious flavorful touches (see below the agenda of the three days).

Throughout the Economic Forum in Karpacz, our guests could take an artificial intelligence fundus screening test in our Pavilion, made possible by the MDT Medical Devices Manufacturer team.

The whole experience was complemented by coffee from Starbucks, Nestlé’s global partner, and appetizers from the Garden Gourmet vegan product line, served by Nestlé.

Opening Panel
Innovation through Partnerships

During the panel discussion we sought answers to the questions: how to build an environment that supports innovation?
How to build an ecosystem of partnerships and stable cooperation between business, science and public administration, which will be friendly to the potential of both individuals and companies?
What challenges does Poland face in the future and how can it implement innovation in such important areas for society as health and life?

The panel included:

  • Aleksander Wasilewski, President of the Board, Nestlé Polska
  • Monique Clúa Braun, Country President, Novartis Poland
  • Jovan Protić, Vicepresident of Ringier Axel Springer Polska
  • Krzysztof Adamcewicz, Healthcare System Solutions Chapter Leader, Roche Polska
  • Jacek Śmiałek, Country President (ad interim), Sandoz Polska
  • Marcin Graczyk, Spokesperson of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH)

Moderator: Ulrich Schwendimann, Managing Director of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce

We encourage you to read and watch the report (in Polish only):

Partnerstwo przepustką do innowacji (

Partnerstwo ważne w rozwijaniu innowacji (VIDEO –


Swiss-style Cocktail

Swisschamber Poland and its partners of Swiss Point invited to a Swiss cocktail party, where guests had the opportunity to enjoy delicious food while cooking live with Kurt Scheller along with Swiss wine. Guests were welcomed by Luca Laloli, Head of the Economic, Financial and Scientific Affairs of the Embassy of Switzerland in Poland, and Rafał Kijonka, Vicepresident of the Board of the Chamber.

At the end, each guest had the opportunity to taste delicious Swiss chocolate in the form of a chocolate fountain from our member company SSC Distribution.

14th Polish-Swiss Forum for Health Dialogue
Coordination is King: How Integrated Healthcare Can Relieve Hospitals, Reduce Costs, and Improve Patient Outcomes?

In Switzerland, coordinated healthcare is based on a decentralized system that emphasizes primary care. Family physicians act as “gatekeepers” who coordinate patient care and refer patients to specialists when necessary. Interdisciplinary teams work together to manage chronic diseases and preventive care.

Swiss experiences were shared by:

  • Luca Laloli, Head of the Economic, Financial and Scientific Affairs of the Embassy of Switzerland in Poland
  • Annamaria Müller, President, Swiss Forum for Integrated Care FMC
    Swiss experience with integrated care
  • André Lüscher, CEO, Mediservice

In the panel participated:

  • Monique Clúa Braun, Country President, Novartis Poland
  • Maciej Miłkowski, Financial Analytics Coordinator, Military Institute of Medicine
  • Krzysztof Adamcewicz, Healthcare System Solutions Chapter Leader, Roche Polska
  • Piotr Pietrucha, Członek Zarządu Lek SA (Grupa Sandoz)
  • Paweł Koczkodaj, Ph.D., EMBA, Professor of the Institute, Department of Epidemiology and Primary Prevention of Cancer, Maria Skłodowska-Curie National Cancer Institute – National Research Institute
  • Monika Raulinajtys-Grzybek, Ph.D., Professor at SGH, Head of the Department of Managerial Accounting at the Warsaw School of Economics, manages the Executive SGH-WUM MBA studies in health care and the work of the Think Tank #SGHdlaochronyzdrowia, College of Business Administration

Moderator: Krzysztof Jakubiak, editor-in-chief of

We encourage you to read and watch the report (in Polish only):

Konieczne usprawnienia w systemie opieki zdrowotnej (

Opieka koordynowana. Sporo mamy jeszcze do zrobienia (VIDEO –


Panel discussion
Disease prevention – how to increase the participation of Poles in preventive examinations?

Among experts of the healthcare system, representatives of patients and public administration, we discussed the importance and value of preventive examinations, both for cancer and for rheumatological and civilization diseases.

In the panel participated:

  • Paweł Koczkodaj, Ph.D., EMBA, Professor of the Institute, Department of Epidemiology and Primary Prevention of Cancer, Maria Skłodowska-Curie National Cancer Institute – National Research Institute
  • Anna Kupiecka, President of the OnkoCafe Foundation – Razem Lepiej
  • Jakub Kraszewski, Ph.D., President of the Polish Union of Clinical Hospitals
  • Zbigniew Derdziuk, President of the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS))
  • Piotr RutkowskiMD, President of the Polish Oncology Society [online]
  • Jerzy ŚwierkotMD, National Consultant in Rheumatology [online]

Moderator: Krzysztof Jakubiak, editor-in-chief of

We encourage you to read and watch the report (in Polish only):

Profilaktyka przedłużeniem życia (

Jak zachęcić Polaków do uczestnictwa w badaniach przesiewowych? (VIDEO –


Round Table Chatham House
Information Security: the foundation of democracy in the digital age

The event was held in cooperation with the Association of Employers of Digital Publishers.


In between panels, we had the opportunity to taste traditional raclette cheese served by our friend Michel from the Magical Raclette Show. In addition to the outstanding flavors that transported us straight to Switzerland, it was a real show….

There was also real Swiss chocolate….

At 19:25, we started the European Night in Karpacz in cooperation with the French-Polish and Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Thank you very much for this joint event!

We hosted many experts, representatives of academia, business and Polish public administration, of whom we are extremely proud.

Thank you very much to all the Partners for the great cooperation and to the guests for coming to our pavilion in such large numbers.

We hope to see you next year!

Below the full Swiss Point 2024 agenda:

Swiss Pavilion at ITM Industry Europe (Mach-Tool) 2024

On June 4-7, 2024, for the 12th time we organized the Swiss Pavilion at the ITM Industry Europe (Mach-Tool) fair in Poznań. The Pavilion is a joint initiative of Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Swiss Business Hub Central Europe within Swiss Embassy.

The Pavilion included stands of the following companies:

Schmiedewerk Stooss

We encourage you to read the whole e-brochure of the exhibitors!

On the second day of the fair we organized Swiss-style apero for clients and business partners of Pavilion’s exhibitors during which Michel Prestinari-Skawiński from Magical Raclette Show served raclette. This year’s official partner of the apero was Erowa company. Coffee at the Pavilion was served, like every year, by Jura, and chocolates – by SSC Distribution.

We would like to thank all the exhibitors and invite you to the next edition that will take place on June 3-6, 2025!

26th General Meeting of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce

On 27 May, we had the pleasure of organising the XXVI General Meeting of Members of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce at Hilti.
The Meeting was chaired by the President of the Chamber, Michał Stępień.

The guest of honour was H.E. Fabrice Filliez, Ambassador of Switzerland to Poland, who at the beginning of the event welcomed the guests and presented the most important initiatives implemented by the Embassy, including joint projects with the Chamber.

Then the host of the meeting – the President of the Hilti company, Tomas Trocil – took the floor. During his speech, he presented Hilti’s business profile and the company’s core values.

During the General Meeting, the activities in 2023 were summarised, as well as the planned events and projects in 2024. The budget and financial statements were also approved. The representatives of the member companies then elected the Board of Directors for the next term 2024-2026:

Karolis Bacevičius, Geberit
Philipp Brunner, Stadler
Monique Clua Braun, Novartis
Rafał Czarnocki, Sika Poland
Artur Jankowski, Nestlé
Rafał Kijonka, Softy Labs / Forum Foundation
Marek Kondrat, Mettler-Toledo
Laurent Renaudie, Sandoz Polska
Michał Stępień, UBS
Marek Szymański
Stanisław Tański, ABB
Tomasz Tutak, TAT ECO
Irma Veberič, Roche Poland

The members of the Board elected a president and vice-presidents from among their group. Michał Stępień, UBS, was elected President for the next term, and the Vice Presidents are: Irma Veberič, Roche Poland, Rafał Kijonka, Softy Labs, and Marek Szymański.

The General Assembly also elected the members of the Audit Committee:

Marcin Diakonowicz, Grant Thornton
Emilian Dziemiańczuk, Roche Diagnostics
Agata Wiśniewska, Hilti Poland

At the end of the meeting, the Director of the Chamber and his team presented a farewell gift and thanked Pablo Padrutt for his cooperation, who has served as Head of the Economic, Financial and Scientific Affairs of the Swiss Embassy in Poland for the last four years and will soon take up a new position in another country.

A huge thank you to Hilti for inviting us to their premises and for the excellent and fruitful cooperation in organising the event!

Swiss Lunch at the swisstech pavilion, Impact’ 24

On May 15-16, we had a pleasure of taking part in a unique conference – Impact’24, in Poznań. It was a special time, full of fresh ideas, innovative ideas and interesting conversations.

We made our debut as an organizer of a networking lunch. On May 15, the first “Swiss Lunch” took place during Impact. It was a side-event supporting the pavilion of the Swiss Embassy in Poland – swisstech, organized by the Swiss Chamber and Partners: ABB, Novartis, Roche and Stadler.

The meeting began with the official part. The guests were welcomed by the Director of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce, Urlich Schwendimann, then the Swiss Ambassador to Poland, Febrice Filliez, who talked about the swisstech pavilion, and representatives of the companies that were partners of the event: Stanisław Tański, Moniquer Clua Braun, Irma Veberic and Philipp Brunner, explained what “Innovations through partnership” means for their companies.

A special guest also appeared at the ceremony – the Mayor of Poznań, Jacek Jaśkowiak.

After the official part, guests were invited to taste traditional Swiss cheese Raclette and for lunch and networking.
We would like to thank our Partners for their cooperation in organizing the event and all guests for their arrival and the pleasant atmosphere.

Women in Business

On the occasion of Women’s Day, we had the pleasure of inviting our member companies to a unique ‘Women in Business’ meeting held on 6 March at the Żywiec Group in Warsaw.

The event was organized by 5 bilateral chambers: Netherlands-Polish Chamber of Commerce, Belgian Business Chamber (BBC), Camera di Commercio e dell’Industria Italiana in Polonia, Polish Spanish Chamber of Commerce, Cámara de Comercio Polaco Española and Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce.

The event was opened by the Ambasador of the Kingdom of Netherlands to Poland,Mrs. Daphne Bergsma.

In the first part of the meeting a panel discussion was held with the following panelists:

  • -Dr hab. Ewa Flaszyńska, Director of the Department of Labour Market, Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy
  • -Magdalena Brzezińska, Corporate Affairs Director, Management Team Member, Grupa Żywiec
  • -dr Marta Derlacz-Wawrowska, Director of Employment Law, Warner Bros. Discovery Poland
  • -Aleksandra Włodarczyk, Senior Fixed Income CEE Trader at ING, 30% Club
  • -Marta Olczak-Klimek, Attorney-at-law, Partner at Olczak-Klimek, Van Der Kroft, Węgiełek Law Firm

After the discussion we invited our guests to a networking part. A big thank you to everyone for the wonderful evening!

The New Year’s Meeting 2023

We would like to thank Geberit for providing its premises for the New Year’s Meeting of the Swiss Chamber and for all the organizational effort that the Geberit team put into organizing the meeting!

Thanks to the host’s kindness, we were once again able to celebrate the start of a new business year together with our member companies.

The Guest of Honor of the event was the Ambassador of Switzerland in Poland, H.E. Fabrice Filliez, who briefly presented the plans of the Swiss Embassy for the coming year. After the official opening of the meeting by the President of the Swiss Chamber, Michał Stępień, and the CEO of Geberit – Przemysław Powalacz, we could also listen to the speech of a special guest – Szymon Ziobrowski, Director of the Tatra National Park.

There was also a special attraction for guests – a guided tour of the Geberit company, including an extremely interesting product exhibition and a pressure wall.

We would like to thank all guests for their presence and great networking!

We invite you to view the photo gallery.

The New Year’s Meeting 2024

We would like to thank everyone for another wonderful New Year’s Meeting of Swiss Chamber member companies!

This year, the host of the meeting was Sandoz Polska. Thank you! The meeting was opened by Michał Stępień, President of the Swiss Chamber, giving a short sketch of the Chamber’s plans for 2024. The plans of the Swiss Embassy were introduced to those present by the Swiss Ambassador to Poland, H.E. Fabrice Filliez, who was the guest of honor of the event.

The third speaker was Laurent Renaudie, CEO of Sandoz, thanks to whom we were able to learn the most important information about the specifics, structure and development plans of the company. Sandoz has two production plants in Poland – in Stryków and Warsaw, where it produces and packs almost 25 billion tablets annually, which are shipped to over 100 countries around the world, including the domestic market. In both plants, Sandoz employs a total of over 1,200 people.

The undisputed attraction was the tour of the Sandoz Polska production plant in the company of Tomasz Pałka, production director. The plant in Warsaw specializes in packaging medicinal products, 21 different medicines are packed here, with over 5 billion tablets per year. What distinguishes Sandoz is its high complexity, thanks to which it constantly invests in new technologies that support the operation of the plant. The machinery at the plant in Warsaw consists of 12 modern technological lines.

We would like to express our great thanks to Sandoz and the entire team that made it possible to organize such a great meeting.

Please see the photo gallery from the event.

Swissbau 2024

On January 16 – 19, 2024, we had the pleasure to take part in the Swissbau fair in Basel, which takes place every two years. Our partner, the Polish Investment & Trade Agency also had its mission during this event. The Honorary Consul of Poland in Switzerland, Gian-Luca Lardi, visited the event and spoke to the representatives of the Polish companies.

Earlier, on January 9, 2024, an online workshop was also organized for companies interested in the Swiss market, the aim of which was to present trends on the Swiss construction market, legal aspects regarding work in Switzerland, as well as to provide detailed information about the Swissbau. The speakers were Mrs. Katarzyna Lasota Heller, Mrs. Anna Jurek-Jellonek and Mrs. Aleksandra Serafin from LEXCELLENCE AG and TAAC Solutions, our member companies, Mrs. Anna Vonhausen from VANK Design – company with a success story on the Swiss market, as well as Dorota Kafara from PAIH and Ulrich Schwendimann and Michał Muszyński from the Swisschamber.

In connection with the fair, PAIH has also created a catalogue of companies from the construction industry that were interested in the event. Links to the webinar agenda and the catalogue can be found below.

See you in Basel in two years!