Chamber of Commerce

How Switzerland has achieved success? Ideas for Poland

28.11.2016, 11:00 - 13:00


Together with the Swiss Embassy and Forum Obywatelskiego Rozwoju we would like to invite you to a debate “How Switzerland has achieved success? Ideas for Poland”.

This debate is inspired by two books recently published “Swiss Made- The Untold Story behind Switzerland’s success” (R. James Breiding) and “Możesz być bogaty- czyli jak Szwajcarzy osiągnęli sukces gospodarczy” (W. Koydl).

In the discussion panel will take part experts from Poland and Switzerland.

The meeting will take place on 28th November at Warsaw University Library.

The debate will be translated into English.

Please register till 23rd November at debata@swisschamber.pl

In the attachment you can find the invitation.