Guests invited to the debate will focus on the difference between importing ready-made solutions and getting inspired by foreign markets to respond to the actual needs of entrepreneurs and consumers in Poland. Specific examples of innovation in the area of organization, business practices or new products such as weather insurance protecting companies against weather anomalies or modern IT projects designed for business and individual clients will be discussed during the debate.
Archives: Aktualności członków
Tomczak i Partnerzy: publication of book „Limited partnership. A tax vehicle and safety”
This publication, like the previous ones, is a result of our very practical experience connected with creating limited partnerships and transforming already existing capital companies into limited partnerships. Therefore, the book contains, among others, a chapter dedicated to such a transformation. Another part – the fifth chapter – is wholly dedicated to tax and accounting issues, which, in a great measure, made such a form of partnership a very interesting form of conducting business.
The book itself is written in a very clear and easily understandable language, which legal publications very often lack.
The book has been published in Polish.
„Spółka komandytowa. Wehikuł podatkowy i bezpieczeństwo” edited by attorney Michał Tomczak, ODDK Gdańsk Publishing House, June 2010
Salans wins emeafinance magazine Best Legal Firm in CEE & CIS (Capital Markets and Corporate Actions) for its achievements and success in 2009.
Salans works with EBRD in several CEE countries, its strong footprint across the entire region combined with an impressive banking client list in Poland were amongst the deciding factors that set the firm apart from its competitors. In awarding Salans, emeafinance magazine said: “Our choice for the region’s best law firm is Salans, whose corporate and capital markets work across the region showed its skill in guiding emerging-market companies through their transactions at a time when many dealmakers have shelved any ambitious plans”.
Tomasz Dąbrowski, managing partner Salans Warsaw, commented on the remarkable success: “This prominent CEE & CIS legal award is a testimony that our scope of operations and lasting investments in the CEE are paying dividends even in difficult economic times.”
This year was the magazine’s first to include legal firm awards in their CEE & CIS awards. The winners were recognised based on the deals accomplished throughout 2009, nature of the work completed (including an analysis of clients and outcomes) and recognition of firms that have a strong presence across the region.
The awards were granted at the official award ceremony (Achievement Awards Charity Dinner) held on 9 June in London.
WHITE & CASE LAUNCHES DEDICATED GLOBAL PRO BONO PRACTICE. Brussels Partner Ian Forrester Tapped to Lead New Practice
Leading the new practice is prominent European law litigator Ian Forrester, a Brussels-based partner in the Firm’s Global Antitrust Practice who represents multinationals, industry associations, sovereign states and other governmental authorities on antitrust and regulatory matters before European national courts, the European Court of First Instance and the Court of Justice of the European Union.
“Establishing a Global Pro Bono Practice allows us to better manage our global pro bono activity and improve the support we give to our lawyers engaged in pro bono activity,” said White & Case Chairman Hugh Verrier. “It also builds on the Firm’s long tradition of active pro bono service.”
Clariant, a global leader in specialty chemicals, is supporting the Swiss Pavilion at Expo 2010 Shanghai as a silver sponsor. The Expo will be held from 1 May to 31 October 2010 in Shanghai with the theme of “Better City, Better Life”
Shanghai is Clariant’s regional headquarters in Greater China and the company’s new Greater China regional management team under the leadership of Per Sjoeberg was formed earlier this year to provide more dedicated services and foster long-term strategic development. The new Greater China regional office is being established close to the Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport and is expected to be completed by the end of this year.
One of Clariant’s innovative product applications can also be seen at Expo2010. NanoSphere®, an innovative textile application which has been developed in cooperation between Clariant and Schoeller Technologies, combines high weather protection with breathability and long-term functionality. The nanoparticles in the NanoSphere finish form a fine structure on the textile surface. Water or substances such as oil or ketchup simply run off the surface. Such a NanoSphere-equipped jacket, made with a functional material from Swiss fabric specialist Schoeller, can be seen in the Swiss Pavilion.
“Expo 2010 is the biggest event for Shanghai and even for the whole of China this year. As an active player in the chemical industry in China, Clariant appreciates the chance to become even more involved through this sponsorship. Expo 2010 offers us an excellent opportunity to get closer to a mix of audiences from various local and international backgrounds,” continued Sjoeberg.
In its official pavilion, Switzerland will be addressing the Expo 2010 sub-theme of “rural-urban interaction” in recognition of the special awareness in Switzerland of the importance of strong town-country interactions, given the geographical characteristics of the country. Switzerland was the first country to present the concept for its Pavilion to the public in Shanghai. The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Presence Switzerland, is responsible for the official Swiss Pavilion project. Over an area of 4,000 square meters, Switzerland will portray itself through the overall concept of balance between man, nature and technology.
Betlej&Partners as the best independent agency 2010 in Poland
Here bellow we are presenting with pleasure our proud result of market research among advertising agencies 2010 carried out by SMG/KRC. According to the common opinion of our clients we were chosen the best independent agency 2010 in Poland. The only one over the country average in all parameters and the best within four of them. Accurately those of most importance to us. Honestly and with a huge respect I thank all our Clients who appreciate our services that much.
Piotr Nowaczyk beats all in ILO Client Choice Awards 2010
International Law Office (ILO) is one of the leading online legal update services for major companies worldwide and the Official Online Media Partner to the International Bar Association. This year the winning partners of the ILO Client Choice Awards were chosen from a pool of more than 2,000 individual assessments received from corporate counsel worldwide. Mr Nowaczyk’ s victory was based on numerous positive reviews from his clients: “Mr. Nowaczyk and his team were able to effectively wrestle with and come up with solutions to unique problems” says one satisfied client. The other praises him for “broad experience in international arbitration”. “His advocacy was incisive and pointed, and always very professional” comments another. “I feel honoured by his prestigious award and grateful to all the clients and peers who cast their votes for me” thanks Piotr Nowaczyk.
ILO Client Choice Awards recognise those law firms and partners around the world that stand apart for the excellent client care they provide and the quality of their service. The main criteria on which this year’s winners were assessed included the quality of legal advice, commercial awareness, effective communication, billing transparency, response time, sharing of expertise and use of technology.
ILO will now be promoting the award winners through such media as the official follow-up publication of the awards – the ILO Client Choice Guide – which is distributed to over 20,000 corporate counsel worldwide.
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Webcast: Strategie cenowe oraz podatkowe aspekty retailingu
Okres obecnej stabilizacji i wczesnego ożywienia gospodarczego stanowi dla detalistów paradoksalnie nie mniejsze wyzwanie aniżeli sam kryzys. Historycznie sieci detaliczne polegały w szczególności na budowanych na podstawie przeszłości prognozach. Tymczasem dziś sklepy stają przed klientem, którego wartości, priorytety i zachowania są zupełnie inne niż w czasach przedkryzysowych.
Nie mniej istotna staje się kwestia wartości dodanej: zarządzanie nadwyżkami zapasów zgromadzonych podczas kryzysu prowadzić może do irracjonalnych decyzji cenowych, co z kolei może mieć negatywne reperkusje w merchandisingu. Dodatkowo, konieczne jest znalezienie równowagi pomiędzy kompleksowością asortymentu i jego wpływem na prognozowanie, sieć dostaw i stan zapasów a oczekiwaniami klientów.
Dlatego najbliższe miesiące warto wykorzystać w celu dokonania weryfikacji założeń stojących u podstaw polityki cenowej i asortymentowej, a także bliżej przyjrzeć możliwym działaniom intensyfikującym sprzedaż i ich podatkowym aspektom.
Strategie cenowe
Zarządzanie asortymentem jako fundament efektywnych strategii cenowych:
czy więcej znaczy lepiej?
jak optymalizować asortyment?
jak powiązać zarządzanie kategoriami z polityką cenową?
Najlepsze praktyki zarządzania cenami:
wymiar strategiczny
wymiar taktyczny
wymiar organizacyjno-operacyjny
Zarządzanie danymi oraz zaawansowana analityka jako kluczowy warunek efektywnej realizacji polityki cenowej i asortymentowej.
Podatkowe aspekty działań intensyfikujących sprzedaż
Kupony rabatowe
Programy lojalnościowe
Rabaty przed i po transakcyjne
Reprezentacja a reklama
Szkolenia dla klientów
Magdalena Jończak, Starszy Menedżer, Deloitte
Huber Cichoń, Starszy Menedżer, Deloitte
Informacje i rejestracja na stronie
Mazars verstärkt die Steuerberatungsabteilung in Polen
Krystyna Szydłowska verfügt über eine reiche und langjährige Berufserfahrung, die Sie in Beratungsfirmen gesammelt hat, unter anderem in der sog. „Big 4“, zuerst in der Wirtschaftsprüfungabteilung, danach in Steuerberatungsabteilung. Sie ist eine staatlich zugelassene Steuerberaterin und Wirtschaftsprüferin (ACCA Diplom- Groß Britanien).
Seit 2000 spezialisiert sich Krystyna Szydłowska auf der Transfer-Pricing Problematik. Sie ist Mitautorin von Büchern: „Transfer Pricing“ (2002, Verlag C.H. Beck) und „Dienstlestungsglobalisierung“ (2007, Verlag Wydawnictwo Naukowe INPiD UAM). Außerdem spricht Krystyna Szydłowska fließend Englisch.
„Der Übergang von Krystyna Szydłowska zur Mazars Gruppe, bestätigt die dynamische Entwicklung der Firma Mazars. Es verstärkt nicht nur die Position von Mazars auf dem Gebiet Steuerberatung, aber schafft auch neue Möglichkeiten die Kunden im Bereich der Transfer Pricing zu bedienen“ – glaubt Michel Kiviatkowski – Managing Partner Mazars.