Swiss Pavilion at Trako 2021

On September 21 – 24, 2021, for the first time we organized the Swiss Pavilion at the Trako fair in Gdańsk! The Pavilion is a joint initiative of Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Swiss Business Hub Central Europe within Swiss Embassy, in cooperation with Swissrail. The Guest of Honor of the premiere Pavilion was the Ambassador of Switzerland, H.E. Jürg Burri.

The Pavilion included following companies:

BÄR Bahnsicherung AG
Schweizer Electronic

We encourage you to read the whole e-brochure.

Coffee at the Pavilion was served by Jura.

On the second day of the fair we organized Swiss-style apero for clients and business partners of Pavilion’s exhibitors during which Michel Prestinari-Skawiński served raclette.

We would like to thank all the exhibitors and invite you to the next edition!

Swiss Pavilion at Energetab 2021

On September 14-16, 2021, for the 12th time we organized the Swiss Pavilion at the Energetab fair in Bielsko-Biała. The Pavilion is a joint initiative of Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Swiss Business Hub Central Europe within Swiss Embassy.

The Pavilion included stands of the following companies:

Explosion Power
Franz Elkuch
Helmar Jacek A. Dobrowiecki dystrybutor Haefely Test AG

We encourage you to read the whole e-brochure.

Traditionally the companies EP&M and Wamtechnik joined the initiative. Coffee at the Pavilion was served by Jura, chocolates – by Lindt.

On the first day of the fair we organized Swiss-style apero for clients and business partners of Pavilion’s exhibitors during which Michel Prestinari-Skawiński served raclette.

We would like to thank all the exhibitors and invite you to the next edition that will take place on September 13-15, 2022!

Swiss Pavilion at Mach-Tool Trade Fair 2021

Between August 31 and September 3, 2021, for the 9th time the Swiss Pavilion at the ITM Fair – Mach-Tool was organized.

It is a joint initiative of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Swiss Business Hub Central Europe within Swiss Embassy.

The Swiss Pavilion consisted of the following companies:

Schmiedewerk Stooss

We encourage you to read the whole e-brochure.

Coffee was served by Jura and chocolates – by Lindt.

On the second day of the trade fair, we organized Swiss-style apero for clients and business partners of Pavilion’s exhibitors during which Michel Prestinari-Skawiński served raclette.

We would like to thank all exhibitors and visitors and invite you to the next edition!

11. Polish – Swiss Forum for Health Dialogue

On Tuesday, June 22, 2021, the 11th Polish-Swiss Forum for Health Dialogue took place. The event was held under the patronage of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Development, Labor and Technology.

The title of the conference was:

Supporting research and development in the field of innovative new methods of treatment – bridging the gap between the world of science and business.

The conference was opened by the honorary guest of J.E. Juerg Burri, Ambassador of Switzerland in Poland, together with Michał Stępień, President of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce.

Among the speakers there were outstanding representatives of the world of science and business:

– Piotr Arak, Director of the Polish Economic Institute,
– dr Piotr Dardziński, President of the Łukasiewicz Research Network,
– dr Bart Dzikowski, Managing Director of Novartis Venture Fund,
– Neil Goldsmith, Director Strategy BaseLaunch
– drLiliane Brunner Halbach, International Health Expert,
– prof. Jacek Jemielity, President of ExpoRNA Therapeutics,
– Jan Krzewiński, President of the Management Board of Polpharma Biologics Gdańsk,
– Jordi Montserrat, Co-founder and Managing Partner at Venturelab,
– dr Radosław Sierpiński, p.o. President of the Medical Research Agency,
– dr Michał Walczak, – Co-founder and Scientific Director of Captor Therapeutics,
– dr hab. med Michał Wszoła, transplant surgeon, President and Founder of Polbionica,
– Irma Verberič, General Manager Roche.

The meeting was moderated by Pablo Padrutt, Head of the Economic, Financial and Scientific Section at the Swiss Embassy in Poland, and Ulrich Schwendimann, Managing Director of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce, while the panel discussion was chaired by dr inż. Agnieszka Sznyk, President of the Management Board of INNOWO.

Recordings and press articles will soon be available on the conference website.
We also invite you to view photos from the conference.

The organization of the Polish-Swiss Forum for Dialogue for Health was possible thanks to the support of Roche Polska. We also thank our Partner Novartis Poland for the support for the conference.


23rd General Meeting

On 11th June 2021, again online, the 23rd General Meeting of the members of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce took place. The virtual host of the meeting was Alpiq Energy SE.

We would like to thank once again Swiss Ambassador, Jürg Burri for the attendance and speech, and Krzysztof Müller, Head of Market Poland, Alpiq Energy SE, our virtual host of the meeting, for the keynote speech.

After the voting of the representatives of member companies, the following persons joined the Board:

  • Artur Jankowski (Nestlé Poland)
  • Irma Veberič (Roche Poland)
  • Thomas Weigold (Sandoz Poland)

Year of Critical Changes to the Business Services Sector

On Thursday, 27 May 2021 the Chamber organized a C-Forum in form of a discussion panel during which we had the pleasure to host Mr. Daniel Wocial, CEO The Adecco Group in Poland, Czech Republic and Mr. Paweł Panczyj, Strategy & Business Development Director in ABSL.

The discussion was inspired by the report ‘Year of Critical Changes to the Business Services Sector’.

It was a perfect occasion to exchange experiences connected with the pandemic and discuss expectations and perspectives of our member companies.

We would like to thank our guest speakers and participants for the inspiring discussion!

Nearshoring to Poland

On Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 10:00 AM the webinar “Nearshoring to Poland as a way of increasing market competitiveness of your company” started, organized in English together with the member company Sii. The event, divided into 3 panels, was opened by Michał Stępień, President of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce, and the moderator was the Chamber’s Director, Ulrich Schwendimann.

The first panel panel was about “Poland as a nearshoring location. What are the factors you should take into consideration before choosing between different European destinations?”, and was discussed by Katarzyna Józefowicz (Credit Suisse), Paweł Fabryczewski (ABB) and Martin Geyer (SIX ).

In the second panel – “Benefits of building own SSC / ITO in Poland for a big and medium company – case study” – Peter Mitchell (ABB), Maciej Kulbat (Barry Callebaut) and Tomasz Leśniewski (Clariant) had the floor.

In the last panel “Nearshoring cooperation with Polish suppliers or external entities. What you should pay attention to when starting such cooperation?” Luis Pachas Pardo (Holcim Schweiz AG), Ben Grech (KPMG) and Ryszard Pytko (Sii) presented their insights.

336 participants, representing as many as 209 companies, signed up for the conference. The majority was from Poland – 193, and Switzerland – 119, for which we thank you.

We also thank the participants, speakers and institutional partners.

Institutional partners:

International Women’s Day

On Monday, March 8, at 1.00 p.m. the International Women’s Day began, organized jointly by 10 chambers of commerce, including the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce.

As part of the event, as many as 4 discussion panels were held, during which topics such as work-life balance in times of a pandemic, the role of women in the technology industry, caring for our relations in the time of a pandemic, and networking, seen from an international perspective, were discussed. The panelists included representatives of the business, government sector and non-governmental organizations.

Over 100 participants accompanied us for 2 hours of the event, for which we would like to thank you.

We hope that the event fulfilled its role and was a great inspiration for women and not only women!

We would like to thank all the speakers, panelists, moderators and, of course, our sponsors.

People interested in the agenda are invited to the website of our calendar, and everyone to see photos from the event.

Thank you!

Chamber’s participation at the Swissbau 2020 fair

On January 14-17 we had the pleasure to take part in Swissbau fair in Basel, organized every two years. In the course of this fair, which is one of the biggest in the construction industry, more or less 100 000 attendees visited the stands of over 1 000 exhibitors. Polish presence was noticeable, including the presence of the Polish Construction Cluster., which organized the mission.

For members of the Cluster and other enterprises interested in the Swiss market, the Chamber, together with member companies present in Basel, organized workshops with the support of the Cluster and the Polish Investment & Trade Agency, which goal was to present the possibilities of operating on the Swiss market.

Below you will find the workshops program.


The first online New Year’s Meeting is behind us!

On Thursday, January 28, at 6.00 p.m., the traditional, but first online New Year’s Meeting of members of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce began.

The recently established IMD Alumni Club Poland was partner of this year’s meeting.

The event started with a welcome by the President of the Chamber, Mr. Michał Stępień, and by the Guest of Honor, Mr. Juerg Burri, Swiss Ambassador to Poland.

Thanks to the cooperation with IMD Alumni Club Poland, we had the pleasure to listen to an extremely energetic and inspiring keynote performed by professor Susan Goldsworthy from IMD Business School “Leadership Myths and Hope in an Uncertain World”.

After a joint toast and voting, incl. on the slogan of the year and the likely winner of EURO 2021, participants had the opportunity to talk to each other in the networking part, as well as take part in games and quizzes.

Thank you very much to everyone who joined us.